Advent November 22, 2015 Suzanne Saint Anna Wang of China Saint Anna Wang of China Saint Michael the Archangel/ Advent Saint Kateri Tekakwitha @ Advent. Gaudete means rejoice. The third Sunday in Advent’s color is rose, to symbolize the joy we feel as we await the birthday of Christ. Archangel Saint Gabriel with Advent candles Advent means preparation for the coming of the Word made Flesh Our Lady of Guadalupe Saint Michael the Archangel Saint Michael the Archangel holding an Advent Candle Saint Lucy Yi Zhenmei Saint Anna Wang, martyr of China
Fall Holidays Images November 9, 2015 Suzanne Saint Dymphna, Patron Saint of Mental Illness AAn Irish princess who gave up her life rather than submit to her father’s demand to marry her. There are more Fall Holy-Days images in the first post. Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki