
Saint Anna Wang of China
Saint Anna Wang of China
Saint Anna Wang of China
Saint Anna Wang of China
Saint Michael the Archangel/ Advent
Saint Michael the Archangel/ Advent
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha @ Advent.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha @ Advent.
Ggaudete means rejoice. The third Sunday in Advent's color is rose, to symbolize the joy we feel as we await the birthday of Christ.
Gaudete means rejoice. The third Sunday in Advent’s color is rose, to symbolize the joy we feel as we await the birthday of Christ.
Archangel Saint Gabriel with Advent candles
Archangel Saint Gabriel with Advent candles

Advent means preparation for the coming of the Word made Flesh

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Saint Michael the Archangel
Saint Michael the Archangel


Saint Michael the Archangel holding an Advent Candle
Saint Michael the Archangel holding an Advent Candle
Saint Lucy Yi Zhenmei
Saint Lucy Yi Zhenmei

Advent Saint Michael 3
Saint Michael the Archangel 8

Saint Anna Wang, martyr of China
Saint Anna Wang, martyr of China